Monday, October 15, 2007


On Saturday afternoon as I was leaving for the FCC-LI Halloween party there was a large envelope ion the mail box with a Florida address on it. When I opened it I had received two more bibs and the most beautiful note from Susan. Her LID is 01/10/06 and she is waiting on Sophia to come home. Thank you Susan & Riz.

Monday, September 24, 2007

This afternoon in the mail I received my second bib from the swap. These adorable bibs came from Andrea . Her LID is September 13,2006. I love the colors of these bibs. Won't Aislinn be styling in these. Thanks Andrea & Devin

While reading thru some post on one of the groups I belong to, Dannye asked if anyone was interested in a Bib Swap. Of course I emailed her right away and said YES...knowing you can never have to many bibs. I would mail out bibs to the ladies I was matched up with and in return receive bibs from them.

The first bib I received was from Lisa and Lamont. They are waiting on their Little Lila to come home from China. Their LID is September 21, 2006.

Thank you Lisa & Lamont. I love the Ocean City bib & Post card.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Second gifts for Aislinn

The second group that I belong to for a secret pal exchange is my April 2007 DTC group. Once a month we exchange with someone and won't find out till Next year who it is. This months theme was Books. We received 2 bibs, A I love Mommy one and A I love Daddy one, flip cards, 4 great books and a very sweet letter. Thank you Secret pal, We luv all the great gifts and can't wait till we "meet you" in the future.

First gifts for Aislinn.

I joined a few on line groups for adoption from china, and in these groups they have what is called secret pal exchanges. One group is doing this once every few month, 1st one was in July and the theme was Fun in the Sun. I had been side tracked with something when there was a knock on the front door and it was a package for me. I opened it and started to cry. Rach was with me and asked "what was wrong?" I told her that this was the first outfit that was bought for Aislinn and it just makes my child all the more real. That this is really going to happen. Thank you to Monika & Jim who gave us such great gifts.